Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Peggy's Fitness Journey, Part Deux

Hello all......leaving for Malibu, CA, on Saturday, check in on Sunday, and back on the trails on Monday.  I am really, really excited.  I never thought I would get a chance to go again.  By next Tuesday or Wednesday, I will be dog-cussing myself for this; however, I am ready to go.  I just love the people at BLFR, and one of my favorite people in the whole world is a hiking guide named Anne.  She is beautiful inside and out, and I can't wait for us to catch up.  Wednesday night is Target trip night and Anne is our driver.  The first Wednesday night I will be dragging, but I only have two Wednesdays to go on a Target outing with Anne, so I will be in the Target van tired or not!

Checked out by the doctor today, still having some back issues; but, hopefully four more days of back exercises and heating pad will have my back ready to go.  Went to Walmart and purchased foot care items--your feet take the brunt of this venture.  Working out in the morning and packing in the afternoon tomorrow.
Stay tuned........


  1. I am really excited for you Peggy! I will follow how you're doing and keep you in prayers for GOOD HEALTH while you're there! Wish I was there too, I need two weeks away at BLFR to kick my butt back into gear, I have been seriously backsliding. Best wishes!!

  2. Oh Peggy, I will be thinking of you & also following your blog. Tell Anne hello from me. You hit the nail on the heat saying she's beautiful inside & out. Anne was my very first hiking guide, when I took a tumble she was ready. She's a kind soul, as are you. Wishing you the very best on your wonderful two week journey. Take Care. Hey did you see they put a gazebo up in front of cabin 21. :-) that was mine so I thought it was pretty cool.
    Hugs, Trace
