Sunday, June 26, 2011

It is about time, I know.....

OK friends, I have been exhausted, and couldn't bring myself to think hard enough to type something that made sense.  Still not sure about that, but here goes.  Great week; however, once again very hard.  I did much better this time than the first week last time.  I am definitely more fit.  It took me until Friday to hit the wall, but hit the wall I did.  My back was just over the top by Friday.  On Fridays, we have a cardio disco class that is priceless.  You dance your butt off, but it is so much fun you don't realize how hard you are working. 

I went on a hike on Friday that went to Paramount Studio Lot where they filmed westerns such as Gunsmoke, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, etc.  I am posting some pictures of that -- really cool.  Not taking too many pics on the hikes as I have those already on here from last time. 

Feet in great shape.  Such a blessing from the last time.  Much smarter with my feet this time.  Again, a really challenging experience, but worth every minute.  After Sat aft and Sunday off, massage, and lots of rest, I can imagine starting over again tomorrow.

More to come.........

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Short post

Wednesday night -- exhausted, but will post some pics.  Will post more tomorrow night.
More to follow......

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Day Pain

Dear Heaven, it is first day pain again.  We did an assessment hike today and hiked Rocky Oaks which is clearly the easiest hike of them all.  I did great and was really impressed with myself because it was so easy.  Not so quick, missy!!  Upon return from the hike, I had a choice between a pool class and a "mountain" class.  Of course Miss Smarty Pants chose "mountain" because I was feeling so cocky.  Bad decision!  This is a class in which you choose a cardio machine, and you do 3 minutes and then up your speed or incline for 12 increments (which lasts 45 minutes).  I was totally cooked after that. 

However, that was just the beginning.....three more classes to go in the afternoon.  At least I had one pool class (which is not a piece of cake, but it is easier on your joints and back), then a "circuit" class in which you chose a cardio machine for 2 minutes, then on to weight machine for 45 seconds, 30 seconds rest, 45 seconds, then back to a cardio for 2 minutes, and repeat for 45 minutes.  I crawled to my last class which was a "core" class which is what it sounds like, you work on your core.  On to dinner, where most people were glassy-eyed, and fairly quiet.  After we ate (brown rice, chicken, vegetables), and the Fitness Ridge favorite -- 2 chocolate-covered strawberries.  They used to serve these on Tuesday nights, but changed it to Monday; probably to help people have something to smile about Monday night.

My back is not feeling too well at the moment.  Had a massage when I got here yesterday, and therapist said my back was really tight.  She was great, and it felt much better after she performed her magic.  However, tonight, I think my back has totally forgotten last night.  I spent about 20 minutes in the hot tub, and now I will stay on the heating pad all night hoping that I can start again tomorrow. 

I was moved up today after doing so well on the initial hike, so I will NOT have an easy hike tomorrow.  Most have such beautiful scenery that it takes your mind off the pain-- at least for a little while.

Heading for bed.  It was really tough getting up this morning-- need to go to sleep earlier tonight.
I will try to post some pics tomorrow!

More later........

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Peggy's Fitness Journey, Part Deux

Hello all......leaving for Malibu, CA, on Saturday, check in on Sunday, and back on the trails on Monday.  I am really, really excited.  I never thought I would get a chance to go again.  By next Tuesday or Wednesday, I will be dog-cussing myself for this; however, I am ready to go.  I just love the people at BLFR, and one of my favorite people in the whole world is a hiking guide named Anne.  She is beautiful inside and out, and I can't wait for us to catch up.  Wednesday night is Target trip night and Anne is our driver.  The first Wednesday night I will be dragging, but I only have two Wednesdays to go on a Target outing with Anne, so I will be in the Target van tired or not!

Checked out by the doctor today, still having some back issues; but, hopefully four more days of back exercises and heating pad will have my back ready to go.  Went to Walmart and purchased foot care items--your feet take the brunt of this venture.  Working out in the morning and packing in the afternoon tomorrow.
Stay tuned........